Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008
About 2 weeks earlier we decorated our Chrismastree with my Hostmums uncles. Friday we bought it, brought it home on the top of our car, because the inside was a little bit too small;)
At home we decorated it with all different kinds of Decoration, and with lights, electric lights!!!!!! I wanted candles, but you can't find those things, where you put the candles in and so I didn't get my nice,shiny candles;)
Then later at the day we made cookies, Curt, one of my Hostuncles made big candie canes out of instant cookie dough and i tried to do nice german cookies, but most of the time the did't turn out, like they are supposed toi be. The instant cookiedough cookies were later decorated so cute, that I didn't wanna eat them ;)
and Dallas, the other uncle made really cool 'cookies' out of pretzels( salzbrezeln) and hershey kisses ( little chocolate thingies) and M&Ms, they were soooooo delicious!!!
after all the cookies were done we got our first christmas presents, because it is a tradition in this family, that you open your gifts, when the person, who brought them comes and can watch you ^^
I got some things from the movie 'Twilight' a pretty cool movie, which I really liked to watch, it is about vampires!!!!!!
Because this saturday was the 6th of december i surprised everybody with a little bag of treats at the evening, because herer they don't have 'Nikolaus', actually they think that he's the one who brings us the presents on Chrismas eve and not the 'Christkind' so I always have to explain, how we celebrate Chrismas in Germany^^
It is gonna be weird for me this year, becaue here they open the presents on the 25th in the morning and not the 24th. About that i already had a dicussion with Fil, because last Thursday i said, it's not even one week left to Christmas and he said it was exactly one week, but then we figured out, that i meant the 24th and he the 25th^^
that means actually santa comes in the night between the 24th and the 25th, and you usually put out cokkies ans milk for him, because he has such a busy night ;)
And there are also the stockings at the fireplaces, in which santa puts treats or small toys, the big presents are coming under the tree.
we are gonna go to church on the 24th, so it's like our 'Christmette'
that's for my mum; we don't have plum-pudding, that is really really British, but on Christmas Day (25th) we are gonna have Ham, what is really typical for Chrismas here, nut at the evening before, we only have something pretty simple.
And we don't have boxing day.
tomorrow I'm gonna have my Christmas concert which is gonna be kind of weird. before it we are having a spaghetti dinner ( some people say here dinner for lunch and supper for dinner, so it's actually a spaghetti lunch because our concert is gonna be at 2:30 in the afternoon, and the dinner/lunch starts at 1), where i have to serve, because the money we raise through it is gonna be for winterguard and i'm in there so I have to work for it^^
then the concert, we're not all playing together, but every section ( instrument) is gonna have its own music. and for the end the whole band is gonna play 'Sleigh Ride', which is gonna be conducted by oue principal, what is not gonna be that much fun^^
Yesterday I had a APES (Advanced Placement Environmental Science) Test for the end of the semster, I was so scared, because we had to know everything we already learned in the whole year, that means about 400 pages in our Science book. But i think I did good^^
so, I wish you all a merry Christmas, und 'nen guten rutsch ins neue Jahr ;) hab euch lieb und vielleicht bringt euch das Christkind in form meiner Schwester auch was zu Weihnachten^^
Sonntag, 30. November 2008
i have so much i have to tell you all
First of all, I'm am now officially in winterguard, that;s a group of people, who are doing performences with Flags and rifles. it is pretty cool, but i'm the only person in there, who never made anything even close to that, so I have a hard time learning everything. yesterday we had rehearsal the whole day, but I was on my way home at that time, so I couldn't come and so I'm missing a huge part of the show, but i'm gonna make that up.
so, now I have something reallyreally american, what we don't even know in Germany^^
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand about Disney. it was so great there.
On the Tueday before we left ,we were discussing if we kids are going to school on Friday or not, but this decision was taken away from us, because on Friday it snowed and so we didn't even had school at all. Everybody packed and we left around 3 with the car all packed with stuff.
6 hours drive to where we stayed for the night. Saturday morning after a nice breakfast we left to drive the last 3 hours to Disney. But on the way Fil got a phonecall from his old swimming friend, who invited us for Lunch, but the town where they live was on our way, so no problem.
After a nice lunch we started for our last drive and finally arrived in Orlando at about 2:30.
But our appartement was not ready yet and so we waited at the pool and the Jaccuzi, nice and warm.
it was so totally awesome, because when we left it was snowing an there we could swin in the outside pool. it had about 25 Degree Celcius.
We finally checked in and got our very very nice appartement.
We stayed there for some time, but later another friend of Fil called, who was camping in Disney and asked us to come to Downtown Disney. it's a shoplandscape, where you can get anyhting you want from Disney, and I got a pendant for my Pandora bracelet. it's like our 'bettelarbaender', on which you can add stuff, until it gets full.
so downtown disney, until it got cold and everybody left.
Next morning: the magic Kingdom, the main parc with the Cinderella castle. So beautiful. But first wheen we got there we parked and then got into a little train, who brought us to the 'overground station' and the into something like the tram, and then we fibally arrived at the park. But we were there a little bit yto early, and so we had like a humanjam at the entrance, because the had a bige parade for the opening of the park.
At 9, a train with all the Disney characters came, and they finally let us in, but everybody wanted to be first, and so it was a huge scramble there. we got in and run to the first ride, because in the middel of the day, you heve to wit to get into one ride for like 90 minutes, and I don't think that's worth.
So we got our rides and fastpasses, those are like passes you can get and they tell you to come nack at a certain time and you have a different line than everybody else. It moves faster too, normally.
in total I don't thin the rides are that good, the only one is 'mount everest' in the animal kingdom, just for somebody, who wants to know^^
we stayed there the whole day, from 9 in the morning until 11 in the evening.
We stayed there for so long, because at 9 there was this huge parade and afterwards a amazing fireworks.
here is a littel video of the fireworks, hope it's not a problem, that it's turned around^^
Monday i finally met Fils parents, they came for this week from Puerto Rico to Orlando, just to visit us. They are totally nice^^
The whole Monday we stayed in, because we were all totally tired from all the walking around in Disney.
Tuesday we went into EPCOT, the park with the big white ball, and with all teh different countries. It was a lot of fun to walk from one country to another. I was kind of disappointed from Germany, because they just have the 'Biergarten vom Oktoberfest', but anyways, it was funny, because all the people in Germany are supposed to speak german and most of them are actual from Germany, and so I could talk to them on German^^
And through all the other countries, most of them had a 3D movie of their country, pretty interesting for me^^
Wednesday we went to the Animal Kingdom with the 'mount everest'. That's one of the best Roller coasters there and I think we went on there for like 5 times.
We watched the lions king show, which was incredible, and i took a lot of videos there, and I'm just trying to upload it, but it really takes a very long time^^
Thursday was thanksgiving, I ate so much that day^^ The whole morning we were preparing the Turkey all the dishes and stuffing, ... the reat if the time we went to the pool, where i got my first sunburn, I've ever had in November;) Then after the turkey was in the oven for like 5 hours, we had Linner (combination between Dinner and Lunch^^) at like 3 in the afternoon^^. before we ate eveybody wrote on littel pices of paper what he/she was thankful for this year. After a hugehuge meal everybody was so stuffed and we kids went for a Tennismatch.
After that we had Pumpkin pie, very typical for Thanksgiving here and than we read the thankful papers, pretty interesting what everybody was thankful for but i'm not gonna tell you^^
The next day we went to the Hollywood studios from Disney, a very exhausting day , that evening we wnt out for dinner, because Mamama, Fils myum had ner birthday and so we went to the best stekplace there, where they even people, who were parking your car^^ what was so funny, whgen somebondy just opened the door for me and was waiting for the carkeys^^
Saturday, what a pity we already had to leave, and we sat there in the car for like 10 hours, until we finally arrived home. It was such a great vacation.
Oh and mIlli I finally got your Birthday present, thanks so much for that, and guesss what I'm listening to you CDs right when I'm wrinting this and I'm thinking of you;) By the way I really think we are the only two persons, who are making the most pousitive pictures of all, i almost forgot all those trampoline pictures;) and i love the one with the lemons^^ I know I look stupid on this one, but that's the best thing of it;)
Mittwoch, 5. November 2008
Last weekend was very exciting for me, because I went to my firt real Footballgame in Alabama,
Welcome to Alabama, the beautiful, what a pity that the picture is so dark, but it's the sign at the stateborder between Georgia and Albama
Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2008
ich will nur allen meinen super freundinnen aus deutschland fuer das tolle 'survival package' danke sagen.
das ist so lieb von euch, und ich habs echt nicht erwartet, also musste ich fast die taschentuecher hernehmen^^ aber ich finds einfach super tolll von euch, dass ihr euch so viel muehe gemacht habt, und ich finde echt, dass jedes geschenk seinen sinn hat( naja bis auf den depp vom dienst;))
naja auf jede fall tuts super gut zu wissen, dass man so tolle freundinnen hat;)
I love you all, forever!!!!!!!!!!!
dann kann ich mal erzaehlen, was ich so mach, am naechsten wochenende werde ich nach Alabama fahren, um zu einem ziemlich wichtigen Football spiel zu fahren, weil wir dafuer freikarten bekommen haben.
und mein Gastvater ist total gluecklich deswegen, weil naemlich sein altes College spielt.
Also bekommm ich einen neuer amerikanische Erfahrung.
letzten sonntag war Trunck or treat, das ist so was aehnliches wie Trick or Treat, aber es ist fuer hier, wo alle so weit auseinander wohne, da trifft man sich bei der kirch, jeder schmueckt seinen Kofferraum und dann gehen die kinder voon kofferraum zu kofferraum, anstatt von haus zu haus.
und ich war Rotkaeppchen, nicht ein grosses M&M, :), hatte alle meine schonen sachen mit puencktchen an, war ganz niedlich, aber da waren ganz viele kleine kinder, die alle super niedlich angezogen waren. echt suess;)
gestern hatten wir das erste mal Schnee, weswegen die Schule 2 Stunden spaeter angefangen hat.
Ich wurde leider durch den anruf von der Schule um 6 Uhr aufgeweckt, in dem sie uns gesagt haben, dass die Schule 2 Stunden spaeter anfaengt und konnte danach leider nicht mher einschlafen, also hats nicht so besonders viel gebracht, war aber trotzdem lustig an dem tag Kurzstunden zu haben;)
Naja jetzt ist der Schnee leider schon wieder geschmolzen, aber es ist trotzdem ziemlich kalt, also kommen schon die Muetzten und Handschuhe in der Frueh raus.:)
Die Baeume gier fange shcon lagsam an ihre Farbe zu aendern und deswegen ist es bald ein Meer uas Rot&Orange, wenn ich aus meinem fenster scheu, weil unser Haus naemlich mit Baeumen umgeben ist:)
si ich hoffe jetzt mal, dass ich in meinen, ausnahmsweise, deutschen Blog nicht zu viele Fehler reingeschreiben hab, aber ihr muesst ein bisschen nachsichtig sein, wreil ich schliesslich in einer anderen Sprache schreib/rede/denke/traeume, ...
so, jetzt nachdem der Computer mehrere male das Internet abstuerzen hat lasse, hab ichs glaub ich endlich geschafft den gesamten Blog zu speciher und zu veroeffentlichen;)
Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2008
at friday we wanted to go to Dollywood, but it begam to rain, when we drove there so we went into wonderworks, a house where you can do a lot of stuff, it was pretty funny
after it, it was still raining so we had lunch and decided to drive home, but on the way there were the 'forbidde cavern', caves which were really interesting to see, with a lot of weird figures and lightshows, which were sometimes a little scary
Yesterday evening we went to a german reataurant in Asheville, we all had Schnitzel, but it wasn't as good as in Germany:)
I'm trying to put a video of the inside in here, but it's still to big and so i'm gonna work on it, perhaps I can put it in the next time after I worked on it^^
That wasa almost everything we made at this 4 days, but perhaps we're gonna do something tomorrow at the last day of the break^^
Freitag, 10. Oktober 2008
that's me and my hostdad in front of this beautiful lake ;)
and we took other pictures with the girls
AND only the Junior girls togther( Lauren,Me, Kirklin and Rachel)
so after the pictures we left and went home for my birthday dinner : Lasagna and chocolate cake with back forrest topping ;) super delicous, at the dinner I got my present a bacelet on which I can add things, there is already a little present, a Football and a Big T( for Tuscola my school) on it, so when I;ll be back in Germany I will have the whole thing full with memories^^
then we finally left for the game:
I was so nervous at the beginning but it was ok, we just went to get our flowers for the jacket and then we had time to 2 minutes before halftime. at that time we met right next to the stage, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So they called everybody, blah blah blah name grade daughter of, eskorted by, ...
so we were at the stage and then they announced the homecoming queen, a really pretty girl, whos in my french class;)
after that we actually were done for the whole game so I walked around with my friend, even my shoes killed me, almost^^
AND tuscola won the game 44-18, so pretty pretty good^^Samstag, 27. September 2008
this day was so exhaustig because I was babysitting for 4 hours for 4 kids, so busy the whole time, but vicky was there so it was good.
but the two little boys 1 & 2 were almost crying the whole time, one becuase he wanted attention and the other one because he wanted his mum, the whole time. after 3 hours a little bit annoying^^
but I got $ 50 for this, so not bad for only 4 hours.
perhaps I can do more times;)
last week at school we got our grade reports, I did good in almost every subject
in math, science, life&team sports and french a A, the best grade, in english with 0.4 points a B and in History a C, but that's not that bad, becuase I made two A's since the report, so no more C's, I'm pretty sure;)
and next saturday the day, i'm sooooooooooo excited, but it will be so funny, I'm sure, really, epecially because my date is such a nice boy from my english class^^
Yesterday I was shopping and I got a jacket with dots, so cute and a blouse, very pretty, but I still need boots and a skirt, so more shopping!!!!!!
Sonntag, 21. September 2008
I'm so happy about that, because only four girls from my grade got into it, and I made it!!!!I know I'm repeating myself but I just so happy^^
This was her borthday cake for today, but i'm gonna make a blackforestcake for her real Birthday, which is on Tuesday, so if you think about it brings badluck, to do something like that^^That was at hte table, cute isn't it^^
That were their glasses, where they drank Hawaiian punch out of them^^
The whole table, everthing with flowers, bright colors, ...
And what is very important for a hawaiian theme, the language, so Aloha to everybody^^
And the important person for the birthday, Vicky;)
Montag, 15. September 2008
I'm back^^
since thursday, not very much happened, but I just wanted to write something for you, so everyboday can comment it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
this weekend i was at the Asheville Malll, a huge, huge center for everything^^
I bought a sweater and some gifts, for my little sister, ...(both, the one here and teh one at germany^^)
I've also seen this beuatiful dress, but I didn't need it at the moment^^
But at the summer I'm going to go Prom Dress shopping with a lot of my friends:)
I'm sooooooooooooo excited about homecoming, because the game is at my Birthday;) and today I was nominated for homecoming court.
it's a pity that i can't be Homecoming queen, but only a Senoir can be the queen. but the court also goes on the football field in nice dresses and with flowers and ...
In a few days there are the final elections, and I really hope the a lot are gonna vote for me^^
It would be such a great experience^^
tomorrow it is picture day, arrrrgh, let's see what's going on^^
Oh yeh, about the school, last friday I had my first Advanced Placement Scinece test, it was soooooooooooooooooo difficult, and I didn't know allt eh word, although I used my dictionnaire
But the teacher is very nice, and so he allowed me to take the test home and finish it there^^
but I think this test is not gonna cout for me^^
see ya
love you all
Donnerstag, 11. September 2008
my day
Now I will just describe my typical day, because here nothing special is happening^^
normally, when I have to take a shower, I'm getting up at 6.30, if not at 6.45
then I'm gonna have breakfast, toast or cereals (my family has a whole shelf full with cereals, but that's nothing special here, it's normal^^ I know I always writing about the food^^)
We're leaving at 7.15 at before Fil drops me of, we have to bring Est to his school.
Normally I'm at school at about 7.50, so not very long to talk to got to my locker and to be punctual for my first period:band
1.There, when the band isn't divided into marching band and symphonic band, we're playing warm-up exercises.
I hat them^^ scales, ...
after them we're playing different pieces, some are easy, some are difficult^^
them at 8.55 the first period is over.
2. PE, it's very boring because last week we only played volleyball, and some of the girls re too stupid, to hit the ball, aaaaarrrrgggghhhh annoying^
today we played Quickball, which is like baseball, but a little bit more complicated.
So it was funny today
3. English, there are we reading a book, called 'The Crucible', weird;) but the teacher is very very nice^^
4. French with Dr. Fox, my teacher. He's weird, because everybody saiys he can speak German, but he nerver spoke, so ??????????????????????
I'm in french III, but french 4 is at the same time in the same room with the same teacher;)
but the level isn't very high, there I have got the feeling, that I'm very good at french.^^
then i've got lunch.
since last week I'm packing my lunch, because at the cafeteria you get every day the same things, fast food, and so I'm eating my sandwich, salad, fruits,...
5.U.S History, it's sooooooooooooooo funny, the teacher is very funny, but I told about her ;last time, she is one of the teachers who would die for her buisness^^
6 Pre-Calc it's not so difficult I thought, but i don't know all the mathematically things, so at the beginning I was never sure, what i have to do;)
but it's better now.
7 and my last peroid:environmental science, I'm gonna have a test tomorrow, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
for this test we had to read about 50 pages in 3 weeks, this won't be a probem, but this things are so complicated, and I can't get all teh stuff into my head.
So I will see, how I'm gonna do the test.
I'm not soooooooooo scaried, becausre it's a multiple choice test, like every here, that's very good^^
so school is out at 2.55, and then i have to wait for Carol, whos picking me up.
while I'm waiting, I'm talking to some frineds, like Sarah, I met her at lunch, and sche's very nice. She's is in band too, but when we are divided, she's practising her flag stuff
Because at every game the Marching Band is playing at halftime, and about 30 girla are doing something great with flaggs. it looks very good^^.
normally i'm at home at 4 o'clock.
Earlier I wrote about the Volleyball team, I played with them and there are two different teams.
One is for Junioers and Seniors(Varsity), the other one for freshmen and Sophomores (Junior Varsity).
The coach looked at me, but she said, I'm not good enough for the Varsity team at the moment. But I'm Junior and the law says I have to be in Varsity as a Junior.
So she said she's gonna ask the government, if I can join the JV.
So I have to wait now. If i'm not in the team, I'm really trying to get into another sports team, because I need something^^
Ok, back, 4 o'clock i'm at home.
There I'm doing my homework and check all teh things at the PC
at 6, or something around the time, we're gonna have dinner.
My hostmum doesn't work, so the dinner is always very good, and complicated.
nearly every day I can try something new, what I've never eaten before^^
Last week, I made my first cake here, it was a 'rollade', but it wasn't as good as at home.
Oh Mum, can you perhapst send me a cookbook for cakes, becasure here I'm not finding so many recipes. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks
after dinner Fil is watching the News, interesting for me too/.
And then we're sometimes watching movie or only TV
at about 10 i'm going to bed, where I'm writing my diary, because I don't wanna forget anything, what's happening here;)
I think that was my normal day, not very exciting^^
This Friday there's no football game, but there's a fair at Waynesville or we're perhaps going to Asheville, I don't know
We'll see^^
and Milli; I need the date, when you have spring holidays in Germany, ok ?????
and HG: your ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't forget it!!!!!!
Samstag, 6. September 2008
heute schreib ich ausnahmsweise mal auf Deutsch^^
aber dafuer halt ich diesen Post auch kurz;)
Getstern war DAS Football Game des Jahres, und meine Schule, also Tuscola hat gewonnen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Des stadium war echt so voll mit Leuten und jeder hat geschrien( ich auch, ich konnte an dem Abend nicht mehr reden^^)
Grossartiges Feelling, inmitten einer schreienden Menschenenge zu stehen!!!!!
Des Spiel war echt eine aussergewoehnlichg Erfahrung fuer mich, ich hab naemlich verstanden, was da auf dem Spielfeld vor sich geht;)
Allerding ist es wirklich schwierig den Ball auf dem Spielfeld zu sehen, weil jeder Football Spieler rumrennt und andere um wrestelt, ...
Bei dem Spiel war es anders, denn jeder, und wirklich jeder hat das Spielgeschehen verfolgt, nicht wie bei den normalen Spielen an den Freitagen, wo jeder einfach nur rumrennt und redet.
Dann nach dem Spiel sind wir erts mal 15 minuten zu unserem Auto gegangen, weil echt alles in der Naehe vom Stadion vollgepark war.
Und dann hab ich bei einer Freundin uebernachtet, voll lustig, weil wir Pizza um ca 12.30 oder so gegessen haben, sog. Mitternachtsimbiss
Wir wollten dann noch 'Across the universe' anschaun, aber jeder ist eingeschlafen, also haben wirs gelassen^^
tja das wars dann wohl mit den Sachen, die heute und gestern so passiert sind
Ich versuch so bald wie moeglich wieder zu schreiben, kann aber nicht versprechen, weil ich naechste Woche 3 wichtige Tests hab, also Geduld...
Hab euch alle soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lieb
Donnerstag, 4. September 2008
I'm trying to tell you all the important thing which are hppening here in the big USA
Now at school there is the time were every teacher has his quizes and tests.
Tomorrow for example I'm gonna have my third U.S History test and my second frech and my third Pre-Calc test, so I really very very busy at the moment.
The last Monday was Labor Day, really cool because i don't have to go to school there. At the long weekend we drove to Dollywood, a funpark only 1 hour away;)
We went to the waterpark there, it was awsome^^
we had the whole day, but after 4 hours sun& water we had enough and so we returned to our hotel^^
At saturday evening we ate Habachi grill, that's when they cook your meals in front of you, it was great, but it was so much, that we took nearly the half at home^^
We lived in a great hotel, with a jaccuzi in one of the bedrooms, yes weird, really weird;)
on sunday we were at the waterpark and at the evening at a huge aquarium, with so many fishes, and I took alot of pictures, which i can schow you perhaps one time^^
At monday, Labor Day, we slept soooooooo long, and had then lunch at 11.30, very funny because we were the first who ate at the restaurant at this day^^
After the lunch we went to an ice-cream parlour: marble slap.
there you can choose a flavour and things you wanted to put into your Ice-cream, I had white chocolate with caramel and m&m, veryu, very tasty^^
This week was Spirit week at school, but nobody really cares about that, except the cheerleader.
Tomorrow is the big Tuscola(my school) - Pisgah (another Highschool) game, which is the most popular game in Haywood county.
I'm so excited, because so many people will be there. And after the game, at one of my friends house, Pattys, is a sleepover, I think it will be sooooo funny;)
It's very cool here at the colons, and I don't have any problems. But Esteban began to play the trombone and so he has to practise it sounds so weird^^
He always scares me, when he is playing very near to my ears without saying anything;))))
I think that's everything important at the moment, but i'm not really sure.
Oh yeah i tried to but some pictures at myt blog, but it doesn't really work, so don't be mad, I trying to show you pictures as soon as I can^^
Love you all
Samstag, 23. August 2008
school is ok at the moment, but they are changing my schedule everyday, so I have to go to new teacher,pupils, and to another Lunch, so bad.
And in every class I have to make new friends, but I don't worry about this, because everybody wants to know a lot about germany, so they're talking to me^^ ;) :)
but I have some friend in my new classes so it is ok.
yesterday evening i was out with Alex(a girl) who lives not far away from us.We went with a lot of other girl to the Tuscola Football game with is every friday, it was my firt american football game so I was very, very, very excitet.
But the game wasn't so fun, and I realized that nobody's really watching the game^^
They have got a student section there, which directly behind the cheerleaders. They are sooooooooooooooooooo stupid, jumping around and cheering, I had an entertainment for this evening^^
At the game I tried-for the first time of my live- Funnel cakes, they are sooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
It's like a pancake cooked in hot oil, and eaten with sooooooooooo much powdered sugar, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh
I love them;)
Oh yeah, I have one soooooooooooooo funny History teacher, Mrs. Sutton, and on thursday, sche was in the class, and told everybody, that I'm an Exchange Student, thats not bad but then she stars to tlak, how much courage you need, to do something like that, and especially in the Junior year, which is so important, and i and the other exchange student are two of her heroes, I was sitting there, and thinking; what's going on?????????????????
back to today,
today my little host-sister Vicktoria had a soccer game, like every saturday, and i went with her.
Unfortunately thay lost 4:0, what a pity^^
after the game we went to a BBQ restaurant, sooooooooooooo good, my first real american BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow, I will go to church and then to an orintation in Asheville for all the Exchange student, who are living in this area.
oh yes yesterday was black & gold day, because of the Football games. The colors of tuscola are Black & gold, but I hadn't something gold . But this doesn't matter, because only the Football player and the Cheerleaders were wearing black & gold.
yes the meals in the cafeteria isn't getting bewtter, but yesterday there was potatoe day, and so they had stuffed potatoes, good.
for the mometn I think there nothing to talk about, and I try to write everything down, but I can't promise
love you all
Dienstag, 19. August 2008
school aaaaargh
But is wasn't bad as I imgined it, all the people were very nice, and I think I met some new friends^^
firt I went in and everybody was sitting at the place, only some jerks don't have a seat.
after this we had to say the american hymne with your hand on your heart, relly crazy now we got soooooooooooooooooooooo much stuff, which we have to return signed.
then I had my first lesson, Science, but hadn't done anything ther, because we went to the auditorium to listen to the school principal.
after it, my second lesson, PE, but we were only sitting in front of the gym and waiting for the lessons end :), I'm in girls sports and we have a man who teaches us, very crazy.
then i went to the band room, but there the band teaches told me, that I here at the wrong lesson, now I have to change my schedule.
after this lesson i had french at a very strange teacher. I took French III, but it wasn't very difficult, we only had to ask the teacher, Mr. Fox, some questions on French, and I realized, that I can't speak french very well^^. It's so hard for me to understand american people speaking French, they have a soooooooooooooo great accent.
Now French was over I had to got to my English class, ther I meet the other Exchange stundent, but she's from Korea, so she talk English not so good^^
The teacher is kind of crazy, because at first he read a poem from one-for me-unknown writer^^, after this year I think I will know him;)
Then, at the end iof the english class, I meet some new friends, with which i went to Lunch.
The lunch at high school is divided in 3 groups, so not the whole school is at the cafeteria at the same time.
the Food I got there, was just the tyoical american fast food, pizza, hamburgers, french fries and some kind of chicken stuff. they had salad too, but it look not very good^^
Although the pupils are divided in 3 groups the cafeteria was very crowded and I was so lucky, that I had some people, who knows the school;)
after luch I had to go to Algebra, there nothing special happened. But I hope maths isn't going too hard for me.
So at the end of maths class I had my last lesson, U.S. History, wher I got some homework for today, strange!!!!
after i went home, I had to go back to school, because there was volleyball practising, which i was waching for. But now i'm in the team, I hope;)
after the practice i went to Walmart, because i need some things for school and i also bought Hotpants for Volleyball;))
Now i have to stop, because the dinner is ready, chicken mmmmmh
love you all
Montag, 18. August 2008
how's it going there? everything ok?
herer in NC it's very cool, but i'm a little bit nervous because i have to go to school tomorrow, and I don't know anybody who's going there.
NYC was such a great thing, but it was a littel bit too short. We only drove around with the bus and we went shoppin very often.
America is just like I imagined it, here in the western you est sooooooooo often fastfood, I hope I won't get too much weight^^
now I have to stop for know, but if I have more times I'm going to write all the details
Luv ya
Samstag, 16. August 2008
auf jedeb Fall wollt ich nur mal kurz von mir hoeren lassen, schreib aba morgen Frueh vielleicht mehr
Dienstag, 12. August 2008
jetzt is mein toller Blog endlich fertig, den ihr alle doch hoffentlich fleißig lest
Naja auf jeden Fall gehts morgen in da Früh um 10 los nach Frankfurt und um 1 dann weiter nach New York.
Aber bitte ned böse, weil ich ned gleich schreib, aba ich muss mich ja auch erst ans amiland gewöhnen^^
Werd euch alle ganz ganz ganz doll vermißen,ihr seid echt tolle Freunde und auf euch kann man sich verlassen
naja heggggggggggggggggdl
p.s. Love you