Sonntag, 30. November 2008

heyyyyyyyyyy guys

i have so much i have to tell you all

First of all, I'm am now officially in winterguard, that;s a group of people, who are doing performences with Flags and rifles. it is pretty cool, but i'm the only person in there, who never made anything even close to that, so I have a hard time learning everything. yesterday we had rehearsal the whole day, but I was on my way home at that time, so I couldn't come and so I'm missing a huge part of the show, but i'm gonna make that up.

so, now I have something reallyreally american, what we don't even know in Germany^^

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand about Disney. it was so great there.

On the Tueday before we left ,we were discussing if we kids are going to school on Friday or not, but this decision was taken away from us, because on Friday it snowed and so we didn't even had school at all. Everybody packed and we left around 3 with the car all packed with stuff.

6 hours drive to where we stayed for the night. Saturday morning after a nice breakfast we left to drive the last 3 hours to Disney. But on the way Fil got a phonecall from his old swimming friend, who invited us for Lunch, but the town where they live was on our way, so no problem.

After a nice lunch we started for our last drive and finally arrived in Orlando at about 2:30.

But our appartement was not ready yet and so we waited at the pool and the Jaccuzi, nice and warm.

it was so totally awesome, because when we left it was snowing an there we could swin in the outside pool. it had about 25 Degree Celcius.

We finally checked in and got our very very nice appartement.

We stayed there for some time, but later another friend of Fil called, who was camping in Disney and asked us to come to Downtown Disney. it's a shoplandscape, where you can get anyhting you want from Disney, and I got a pendant for my Pandora bracelet. it's like our 'bettelarbaender', on which you can add stuff, until it gets full.

so downtown disney, until it got cold and everybody left.

Next morning: the magic Kingdom, the main parc with the Cinderella castle. So beautiful. But first wheen we got there we parked and then got into a little train, who brought us to the 'overground station' and the into something like the tram, and then we fibally arrived at the park. But we were there a little bit yto early, and so we had like a humanjam at the entrance, because the had a bige parade for the opening of the park.

At 9, a train with all the Disney characters came, and they finally let us in, but everybody wanted to be first, and so it was a huge scramble there. we got in and run to the first ride, because in the middel of the day, you heve to wit to get into one ride for like 90 minutes, and I don't think that's worth.

So we got our rides and fastpasses, those are like passes you can get and they tell you to come nack at a certain time and you have a different line than everybody else. It moves faster too, normally.

in total I don't thin the rides are that good, the only one is 'mount everest' in the animal kingdom, just for somebody, who wants to know^^

we stayed there the whole day, from 9 in the morning until 11 in the evening.

We stayed there for so long, because at 9 there was this huge parade and afterwards a amazing fireworks.

here is a littel video of the fireworks, hope it's not a problem, that it's turned around^^

Monday i finally met Fils parents, they came for this week from Puerto Rico to Orlando, just to visit us. They are totally nice^^

The whole Monday we stayed in, because we were all totally tired from all the walking around in Disney.

Tuesday we went into EPCOT, the park with the big white ball, and with all teh different countries. It was a lot of fun to walk from one country to another. I was kind of disappointed from Germany, because they just have the 'Biergarten vom Oktoberfest', but anyways, it was funny, because all the people in Germany are supposed to speak german and most of them are actual from Germany, and so I could talk to them on German^^

And through all the other countries, most of them had a 3D movie of their country, pretty interesting for me^^

Wednesday we went to the Animal Kingdom with the 'mount everest'. That's one of the best Roller coasters there and I think we went on there for like 5 times.

We watched the lions king show, which was incredible, and i took a lot of videos there, and I'm just trying to upload it, but it really takes a very long time^^

Thursday was thanksgiving, I ate so much that day^^ The whole morning we were preparing the Turkey all the dishes and stuffing, ... the reat if the time we went to the pool, where i got my first sunburn, I've ever had in November;) Then after the turkey was in the oven for like 5 hours, we had Linner (combination between Dinner and Lunch^^) at like 3 in the afternoon^^. before we ate eveybody wrote on littel pices of paper what he/she was thankful for this year. After a hugehuge meal everybody was so stuffed and we kids went for a Tennismatch.

After that we had Pumpkin pie, very typical for Thanksgiving here and than we read the thankful papers, pretty interesting what everybody was thankful for but i'm not gonna tell you^^

The next day we went to the Hollywood studios from Disney, a very exhausting day , that evening we wnt out for dinner, because Mamama, Fils myum had ner birthday and so we went to the best stekplace there, where they even people, who were parking your car^^ what was so funny, whgen somebondy just opened the door for me and was waiting for the carkeys^^

Saturday, what a pity we already had to leave, and we sat there in the car for like 10 hours, until we finally arrived home. It was such a great vacation.

Oh and mIlli I finally got your Birthday present, thanks so much for that, and guesss what I'm listening to you CDs right when I'm wrinting this and I'm thinking of you;) By the way I really think we are the only two persons, who are making the most pousitive pictures of all, i almost forgot all those trampoline pictures;) and i love the one with the lemons^^ I know I look stupid on this one, but that's the best thing of it;)

2 Kommentare:

Julia F. hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank für die Karte, haben sie bekommen.
Wir waren so froh als wir festgestellt haben, dass du die deutsche Grammatik noch beherrscht^^.
Viele liebe Grüße

heckelino hat gesagt…

hab spaß im disneyland!!! da war ich auch schon und du musst unbedingt in den einen park mit dem schneeberg da wo die 200 meter hohe rutsche is und wenn du die gerutscht bist schreibst du mich an ok?? ich hab danach geweint aba da war ich auch noch 8=)
ich bin wieda daheim und ich vermiss kanada vollekanne die mädls die schule meine freunde...
genieß deine zeit sie wird viel zu schnell vorbei sein!
hochachtungsvoll ihr herr heckel=)