Now I will just describe my typical day, because here nothing special is happening^^
normally, when I have to take a shower, I'm getting up at 6.30, if not at 6.45
then I'm gonna have breakfast, toast or cereals (my family has a whole shelf full with cereals, but that's nothing special here, it's normal^^ I know I always writing about the food^^)
We're leaving at 7.15 at before Fil drops me of, we have to bring Est to his school.
Normally I'm at school at about 7.50, so not very long to talk to got to my locker and to be punctual for my first period:band
1.There, when the band isn't divided into marching band and symphonic band, we're playing warm-up exercises.
I hat them^^ scales, ...
after them we're playing different pieces, some are easy, some are difficult^^
them at 8.55 the first period is over.
2. PE, it's very boring because last week we only played volleyball, and some of the girls re too stupid, to hit the ball, aaaaarrrrgggghhhh annoying^
today we played Quickball, which is like baseball, but a little bit more complicated.
So it was funny today
3. English, there are we reading a book, called 'The Crucible', weird;) but the teacher is very very nice^^
4. French with Dr. Fox, my teacher. He's weird, because everybody saiys he can speak German, but he nerver spoke, so ??????????????????????
I'm in french III, but french 4 is at the same time in the same room with the same teacher;)
but the level isn't very high, there I have got the feeling, that I'm very good at french.^^
then i've got lunch.
since last week I'm packing my lunch, because at the cafeteria you get every day the same things, fast food, and so I'm eating my sandwich, salad, fruits,...
5.U.S History, it's sooooooooooooooo funny, the teacher is very funny, but I told about her ;last time, she is one of the teachers who would die for her buisness^^
6 Pre-Calc it's not so difficult I thought, but i don't know all the mathematically things, so at the beginning I was never sure, what i have to do;)
but it's better now.
7 and my last peroid:environmental science, I'm gonna have a test tomorrow, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
for this test we had to read about 50 pages in 3 weeks, this won't be a probem, but this things are so complicated, and I can't get all teh stuff into my head.
So I will see, how I'm gonna do the test.
I'm not soooooooooo scaried, becausre it's a multiple choice test, like every here, that's very good^^
so school is out at 2.55, and then i have to wait for Carol, whos picking me up.
while I'm waiting, I'm talking to some frineds, like Sarah, I met her at lunch, and sche's very nice. She's is in band too, but when we are divided, she's practising her flag stuff
Because at every game the Marching Band is playing at halftime, and about 30 girla are doing something great with flaggs. it looks very good^^.
normally i'm at home at 4 o'clock.
Earlier I wrote about the Volleyball team, I played with them and there are two different teams.
One is for Junioers and Seniors(Varsity), the other one for freshmen and Sophomores (Junior Varsity).
The coach looked at me, but she said, I'm not good enough for the Varsity team at the moment. But I'm Junior and the law says I have to be in Varsity as a Junior.
So she said she's gonna ask the government, if I can join the JV.
So I have to wait now. If i'm not in the team, I'm really trying to get into another sports team, because I need something^^
Ok, back, 4 o'clock i'm at home.
There I'm doing my homework and check all teh things at the PC
at 6, or something around the time, we're gonna have dinner.
My hostmum doesn't work, so the dinner is always very good, and complicated.
nearly every day I can try something new, what I've never eaten before^^
Last week, I made my first cake here, it was a 'rollade', but it wasn't as good as at home.
Oh Mum, can you perhapst send me a cookbook for cakes, becasure here I'm not finding so many recipes. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks
after dinner Fil is watching the News, interesting for me too/.
And then we're sometimes watching movie or only TV
at about 10 i'm going to bed, where I'm writing my diary, because I don't wanna forget anything, what's happening here;)
I think that was my normal day, not very exciting^^
This Friday there's no football game, but there's a fair at Waynesville or we're perhaps going to Asheville, I don't know
We'll see^^
and Milli; I need the date, when you have spring holidays in Germany, ok ?????
and HG: your ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't forget it!!!!!!
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3 Kommentare:
Hey Schätzelchen,
Ganz ruhig...tranqulio
Ich kann dir grad nur die Adresse von meinem Haus schicken, aber an die würd ich kein Packchen schicken, denn hier wird die POst einfach über den Zaun geworfen. Und naja wenn ich nciht da bin und ein bissche tropischer Starkregen kommt dann sieht das ganze danach wie ein gut durchgemanschter Haufen KLopapier aus...
Aber die Kirche hat ein Art Postfach von dem Ich die Anschrif in Erfahrung bringen werde.
Adresse vom Haus ist:
Managua, Nicargua, CA
Colonia Centroamerica, Del triangulo 5 cuadras al sur, 1 arriba. La casa amarilla con la palma de coco
Das wars...machs gut
hey jojo
schau jetzt schreib ich dir auch mal was rein!!!^^
ich weiß noch nicht wann wir faschingsferien haben aber sobald ich des weiß teile ichs dir sofort mit!!!ok?
hdgggggggggggg...msdl milli
huhu jojo
ich bins, die Lina
bist du eigentlich junior oder senior?
ich les deinen blog echt gern^^
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