Samstag, 23. August 2008

yeah I'm back to tell you everything what's happening^^
school is ok at the moment, but they are changing my schedule everyday, so I have to go to new teacher,pupils, and to another Lunch, so bad.
And in every class I have to make new friends, but I don't worry about this, because everybody wants to know a lot about germany, so they're talking to me^^ ;) :)
but I have some friend in my new classes so it is ok.
yesterday evening i was out with Alex(a girl) who lives not far away from us.We went with a lot of other girl to the Tuscola Football game with is every friday, it was my firt american football game so I was very, very, very excitet.
But the game wasn't so fun, and I realized that nobody's really watching the game^^
They have got a student section there, which directly behind the cheerleaders. They are sooooooooooooooooooo stupid, jumping around and cheering, I had an entertainment for this evening^^
At the game I tried-for the first time of my live- Funnel cakes, they are sooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
It's like a pancake cooked in hot oil, and eaten with sooooooooooo much powdered sugar, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh
I love them;)
Oh yeah, I have one soooooooooooooo funny History teacher, Mrs. Sutton, and on thursday, sche was in the class, and told everybody, that I'm an Exchange Student, thats not bad but then she stars to tlak, how much courage you need, to do something like that, and especially in the Junior year, which is so important, and i and the other exchange student are two of her heroes, I was sitting there, and thinking; what's going on?????????????????
back to today,
today my little host-sister Vicktoria had a soccer game, like every saturday, and i went with her.
Unfortunately thay lost 4:0, what a pity^^
after the game we went to a BBQ restaurant, sooooooooooooo good, my first real american BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow, I will go to church and then to an orintation in Asheville for all the Exchange student, who are living in this area.
oh yes yesterday was black & gold day, because of the Football games. The colors of tuscola are Black & gold, but I hadn't something gold . But this doesn't matter, because only the Football player and the Cheerleaders were wearing black & gold.
yes the meals in the cafeteria isn't getting bewtter, but yesterday there was potatoe day, and so they had stuffed potatoes, good.
for the mometn I think there nothing to talk about, and I try to write everything down, but I can't promise
love you all

Dienstag, 19. August 2008

oh I just forgot one thing, the americans have sooo big Problem to pronounce my last name, that very funny
love you
miss yu at the moment^^

school aaaaargh

oh my gosh, today was my firt day at school, and i was soooooooooooooooo scaried about it
But is wasn't bad as I imgined it, all the people were very nice, and I think I met some new friends^^
firt I went in and everybody was sitting at the place, only some jerks don't have a seat.
after this we had to say the american hymne with your hand on your heart, relly crazy now we got soooooooooooooooooooooo much stuff, which we have to return signed.
then I had my first lesson, Science, but hadn't done anything ther, because we went to the auditorium to listen to the school principal.
after it, my second lesson, PE, but we were only sitting in front of the gym and waiting for the lessons end :), I'm in girls sports and we have a man who teaches us, very crazy.
then i went to the band room, but there the band teaches told me, that I here at the wrong lesson, now I have to change my schedule.
after this lesson i had french at a very strange teacher. I took French III, but it wasn't very difficult, we only had to ask the teacher, Mr. Fox, some questions on French, and I realized, that I can't speak french very well^^. It's so hard for me to understand american people speaking French, they have a soooooooooooooo great accent.
Now French was over I had to got to my English class, ther I meet the other Exchange stundent, but she's from Korea, so she talk English not so good^^
The teacher is kind of crazy, because at first he read a poem from one-for me-unknown writer^^, after this year I think I will know him;)
Then, at the end iof the english class, I meet some new friends, with which i went to Lunch.
The lunch at high school is divided in 3 groups, so not the whole school is at the cafeteria at the same time.
the Food I got there, was just the tyoical american fast food, pizza, hamburgers, french fries and some kind of chicken stuff. they had salad too, but it look not very good^^
Although the pupils are divided in 3 groups the cafeteria was very crowded and I was so lucky, that I had some people, who knows the school;)
after luch I had to go to Algebra, there nothing special happened. But I hope maths isn't going too hard for me.
So at the end of maths class I had my last lesson, U.S. History, wher I got some homework for today, strange!!!!
after i went home, I had to go back to school, because there was volleyball practising, which i was waching for. But now i'm in the team, I hope;)
after the practice i went to Walmart, because i need some things for school and i also bought Hotpants for Volleyball;))
Now i have to stop, because the dinner is ready, chicken mmmmmh
love you all

Montag, 18. August 2008


hey, there in germany,
how's it going there? everything ok?
herer in NC it's very cool, but i'm a little bit nervous because i have to go to school tomorrow, and I don't know anybody who's going there.
NYC was such a great thing, but it was a littel bit too short. We only drove around with the bus and we went shoppin very often.
America is just like I imagined it, here in the western you est sooooooooo often fastfood, I hope I won't get too much weight^^
now I have to stop for know, but if I have more times I'm going to write all the details
Luv ya

Samstag, 16. August 2008


ich schreib jetzt nur ganz kurz, weil es grad halb 12 ist, und ich seit ca 40 Stunden nicht geschlafen hab. naja, ab jetzt werd ich wahrscheinlich auf Englisch weiter schreiben, weil ich hier ja schliesslich mitten in Amerika sitz und dann nicht auf Deutsch schreiben kann.
auf jedeb Fall wollt ich nur mal kurz von mir hoeren lassen, schreib aba morgen Frueh vielleicht mehr

Dienstag, 12. August 2008


hallo ihr lieben
jetzt is mein toller Blog endlich fertig, den ihr alle doch hoffentlich fleißig lest
Naja auf jeden Fall gehts morgen in da Früh um 10 los nach Frankfurt und um 1 dann weiter nach New York.
Aber bitte ned böse, weil ich ned gleich schreib, aba ich muss mich ja auch erst ans amiland gewöhnen^^
Werd euch alle ganz ganz ganz doll vermißen,ihr seid echt tolle Freunde und auf euch kann man sich verlassen
naja heggggggggggggggggdl
p.s. Love you